Thursday 28 July 2011

Filmus confident of 'runoff comeback'

Victory Front’s mayoral candidate, Senator Daniel Filmus, remarked that “most of the Porteños did not vote for Mauricio Macri”, and warned that, “There are serious chances of performing an electoral comeback on Sunday's runoff.”
Likewise, Filmus remembered that “Half a million people has already voted for us during first round, and there is another half million that haven’t voted for neither of us (Macri or Filmus), plus a total of 720,000 people did not show to cast their votes, while over 20 thousand (22,543) people voted blank. If we get to obtain the vote of those portions, we’ll be able to change the voting trend.
Furthermore, Filmus said that in case of winning, his force will try to “gather all political forces in order to have a plural government and include the best professionals available without taking into consideration which party they come from.”

1 comment:

  1. Hey, not sure how you found my blog (Argentina Previews) but thanks for linking it on yours.

